Wednesday, June 6, 2007

A bit of sewing

I had an idea today to make some little travel pillows for the girls for our trip. So off I went to "Spotlight" (big sewing shop) and went for a bit of a shop around. I couldnt get the right size pillow to cover so I had to stuff some pillows instead. I found some facewashers and thought I would just put a back on them. It took me ages to get through the checkouts as usual! I found a bit of fabric that I thought would make a great quilt or playmat for a baby girl. As it was only $1 (although I got charged $2 :( ...) I decided it was worth the wait. I think I was there for about 15mins which is almost a record for

Anyway we got out alive and in once piece (I only had Katie with me *phew*) I waited till DH went to work and got started on them. I used a terry nappy for the back of them (we only use those nappies for spews and that sort of thing) sewed them together and stuffed them with a pillow I brought (which you make a cover for) and cut open for the insides. And that was about it! I added a little bit for terry to Amey's as she has what she calls "nammy's" as her security blanket. She love it!

I didnt really want to have two Dora's the same but didnt have to much choice and Katie is going through a "MINE!" stage so I thought I would let sleeping dogs lie on this one.

So here is what I did:


Anonymous said...

wow those pillows are sooooo cute! i'm sure the girls will love having them for the trip! :)

Kell said...

WOW Sharon they look fantastic!!! So very clever and fantastic idea for the girls may have to borrow this idea from you ;)

Anonymous said...

oh and... tag! you're it! :)

Anonymous said...

How cute they are, and how clever you are Sharon. They must love them. Have you been to the Spotlight megastore over at Essendon? Ain't no way you'l get out of there in 15 minutes. You'll probably need to bring a cut lunch.
I have a sewing related post on my blog today. you might like to check it out.

Chris said...

These are great Sharon and how clever are you. The girls must be thrilled. Great job.

Unknown said...

Very cute Dora pillows - my ds would love one of those!

Anonymous said...

Love the Dora blog!