Friday, April 4, 2008

Really? That long!

Hmm a bit over a month since I last posted. Suppose I'm getting better right ;)

I'm currently sitting here listening to Macca intermittently crying (which she has been doing on and off all night......make that day) and counting down the hours (less than 2 now) till the PBP chat starts. Although right now I cant even get onto the site.....whatever thats about?! No DH to disturb me and talk all the way through the chat (like last time....what was with that?!) and hopefully all 3 of the girls sleeping peacefully. I just have to get something to drink and the chocolate out now :)

Well the question has been asked......"Hows the pregnancy going?" To be honest it doesn't really register till I have a bit of quiet time by myself at night. OR those terrible Braxton Hick hit me during the day. So that is all good I suppose.

Monday I had our last "official" ultrasound and they still couldn't tell what the sex of this baby is. I honestly don't think she was trying to hard but anyway. If we have another girl she will be nameless for a while as I don't plan on picking a name that I'm not going to use. I don't want to spend hours pouring over names and then not use it. We have a boys name that we had when we had Amey so that one is a no brainer.

Oh and I'm still trying to decide about the hospitals. The hospital we had Jack in is moving location so I feel HEAPS more comfortable in having this baby there. I just couldn't do that in the same building as I had Jack in and run the risk (yes probably very small) of somehow getting the same room as when I had him. The memories are just still WAY to strong. AND also this baby is due SO close to his birthday as well. DH isn't to keen as he would have to travel extra to get there and then go off to work. He hasn't taken time off when we have bubs since Amey. Mainly because we have family come down for nearly 6wks after the baby is born so we don't want to overlap. It really makes it HEAPS easier for us so it works well. BUT he will have a day off the day the baby is born of course! Anyway as I have to have a cesarean due to many medical reasons there is a chance that it will happen on the Thursday which means he will only have to take that day off that no excuses for lack of visits!

Yep his shift changed as of Monday and his now working longer days later in the day and gets Fridays off. SO that should make it easy when bubs comes. Although I'm not sure how we will go with keeping the noise levels down till midday each day......its proving a little stressful as the kids just don't get it yet......but then I don't expect them to at their ages either. Kinder goes back next week so that should make it easier. It doesn't matter which combination of kids it is but as long as there is only two they are very quiet!!!

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